Installation at Bihar Museum, Patna, India

Installation at Gurvich Museum, Montevideo, Uruguay

Installation at MAPI Museum, Montevdeo, Uruguay

Installation at Italia Institute of Culture, Montevideo, Uruguay

New project
Friday 22 October Tarshito and Monica Mincuzzi will be at the Spazio Art D’Or in Via Melo 188, at 6.30 pm, to present the workshop. Free entry with greenpass.
#art #contemporaryart #performance #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation

Tarshito participates at Triennale di Milano, FITTILE, Artigianato artistico italiano nella ceramica contemporanea (Opening 4 September 2021)

Realizzation:Benedetto e Benedetta Martinelli, Corato Bari, Italy
Technique:ceramic in third firing
cm 51 x 10,3 x13,5h
Tarshito’s video/performance for Biennial Art of Cusco, Peru

Special evening at the Portico dei Pellegrini, Bari. Screening of the video / performance with which Tarshito is participating in the Cusco Biennial. The video will also be screened at the same time in Cusco on July 28, a national holiday that celebrates Independence from Spanish rule.

Launch of the book The Path of the Wayfarer in Love at Fortino in Bari. 20 July 2021.

An appointment not to be missed to get to know Tarshito’s world and the profound meaning of art through which he has been sharing messages of light for years.

Tarshito participates at the Exhibition INTRAMUNDI
INTRA MUNDI: Legami, transiti e approdi di un presente imperfetto.
Curated by Dores Sacquegna Tuesday 29 June 2021 at 18:30 Palmieri Foundation, Lecce First Floor LivinGallery with the care of Dores Sacquegna, presents to the public one of the brilliant protagonists of Puglia: TARSHITO (Arch. Nicola Strippoli), between dialectical, visual and sound interventions. “Self-portrait: the artist as a traveler”, Tarshito, will present his artistic history matured from the encounters with great spiritual masters – including the Indian master OSHO RAJNEESH who entrusted him with the Sanskrit name of TARSHITO, or “thirst for inner knowledge” – and previewed in Lecce “The Path of the Wanderer in Love”, a roll of about 11 meters, a rough canvas painted between 2017 and 2018 and in collaborations between artisans and indigenous tribes from various places including Mexico, Nepal, India, Morocco , Peru.
An event not to be missed: Tuesday 29 June at 6:30 pm, in the presence of the Councilor for Culture Fabiana Cicirillo, the curator and the public at the Palmieri Foundation in Lecce (Via dei sotteranei)

Filming of the performance with which Tarshito participates in the 2021 Cusco Biennale

Mandala completed

Tibetan monk Ghese Lobsang Soepa creates the Tibetan Mandala for World Peace at Studio Speciale Tarshito on June 16, 17, 18, 2021.

Here the link of an article about Tarshito published on Mint Magazine (India) by Avantika Bhuyan:
Opening of the exhibits “Tarshito falls in love with Peru” and “Tarshito falls in love with Mexico” at Chiesa di S. Teresa dei Maschi, Bari, Italy. Video by Luca Desiderato
In compliance with the DPCM of 24 October 2020, we inform you that the event “Tarshito falls in love with Morocco“, the seventh step of the widespread exhibition “The Path of the Wayfarer in Love” initially scheduled from 29 October to 29 November 2020 at the Alliance Française in Bari will take place, unless otherwise specified, on the new dates from 3 December 2020 to 10 January 2021.
Some photos from yesterday’s Opening of the exhibits “Tarshito falls in love with Peru” and “Tarshito falls in love with Mexico” at Chiesa di S. Teresa dei Maschi, Bari, Italy. Photo by Ryan Arvee Laluz

Special Performance by Tiziana Portoghese, Francesco Palazzo and Tarshito. A touching rendition of Sanskrit verses from Vedic Scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and some verses from Vibhavarisesa song. This performance has been shown at the Opening of the exhibition “Tarshito falls in love with Nepal”, the first exhibit of the “The Path of the Wayfarer in Love” at Museo Archeologico Santa Scolastica in Bari, September 10th 2020,Italy

Opening of the exhibit “Tarshito falls in love with India” on october 8 at Pinacoteca, Bari. Photo by Luca Desiderato

Photos by Teresa Albanese

Some photos from the inauguration yesterday in Santa Scolastica of the first exhibition “Tarshito falls in love with Nepal”. Photo by Nicola Amato

Photos of Villaggio Speciale Tarshito by Ryan Arvee Laluz

Workshop presentation with Marcelo de Carvalho (translator) and Fabio Palma (Director of the IED in Rio)

Rio de Janeiro, IED European Institute of Design, workshop “Inspiration, Creativity and Offer” held by Tarshito with Indigenous people

More photos from Rio. Photo by Marcelo de Carvalho

Tarshito’s master class at the IED (European Institute of Design) in Rio de Janeiro
Master Class com o arquiteto, professor e artista italiano Tarshito ,no IED, na Urca
More photos by Marcelo de Carvalho

At work with the local artists in Rio– photo by Marcelo de Carvalho

Working with the natives in Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Marcelo de Carvalho

Tarshito with Anibal, ethnicity Guajajara – Maranhão State. Photo by Marcelo de Carvalho.

Tarshito at work with Brazilian tribal artists in Rio de Janeiro (22/1/2020)
Photo by Marcelo de Carvalho

Video from the Tarshito’s Friendship day, 10.11.2019.
Exhibit in Chittagong..

Group Show at the Threshold Gallery in New Delhi

Some photos from the Performance “Extraordinary gesture in Rome” by all Tarshito’s family at the Macro Asilo in Rome on 17th November 2019

Some photos from the Tarshito’s friendship day on the 10th November 2019

Art and Performance fest at Villaggio Speciale Tarshito

Performance by Tarshito and all his family at the Macro Asilo in Rome

Some snapshots from the Opening of the exhbit “Tarshito se enamora del Perú – Obras de Tarshito y Lastenia Canayo” happening now in Lima, Perù

Next exhibit at Lima, Peru. Opening 10 October 2019

College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University – Tarshito presents his Art and the masters who have inspired him

Video of the Opening of the exhibit at the Seoul City Hall
Some photos from the opening of Seoul exhibit

Next exhibition in Seoul, South Korea! From the 3rd to 17th September 2019…

Next exhibition

Opening of the Exhibit “La Terra e il Pane”, 22nd of June 2019, at Ipogei Fondazione Sassi, Matera, Italy

La Terra e il Pane
at Ipogei Fondazione Sassi
Opening, Saturday 22 June at 19.30

Article published in the newspaper Corriere della Sera, Tuesday 4 June 2019, on the new artistic project of Tarshito “The path of the wayfarer in love”

Evening in honor of Maseeh Rahman and Yashodhara Dalmia (India) at Speciale Tarshito (5th June 2019)

“Embracing Castel del Monte” Perfomance by Tarshito
for Festival Ambiente Puglia (2 June 2019)

Tarshito at the Conference Symbolum “Terra-Mater-Materia”, Stettino, Poland. 6-7 May, 2019

Tarshito’s project “The Path of the Wayfarer in love”
With joy we would like to communicate the happening of Tarshito’s four exhibits for 2019: Rabat, Matera, Seoul and Lima.

In Rabat Tarshito with Sadik Haddari, in Matera with Martinelli and Natuzzi, in Seoul with Son Oe Ja and in Lima with Lastenya Canayo.
Here the link of a short video presentation of the exhibits (video by Luca Desiderato):
Here the links of the digital
For any info or enquiries do not hesitate to contact the staff at Speciale Tarshito!

Tarshito at work in the Peruvian Amazon jungle to work for the October exhibition in Lima with Lastenia Canayo, a traditional Shipibo

Some photos of the Bhopal Literature & Art festival (12-14 January 2019)
Tarshito leads a workshop with Anand Kumar Shyam, Lilesh Kumar Urvetl, Veknt Kumar Singh Shyam,Kala Baj Shyam,Kaushel Prasad and Saroj Venkat Shyam at the Bhopal Literature and art festival

Tarshito will participate to the “Bhopal literature and art festival” from 12 to 14 January 2019 where he will exhibit the series of “Seven Holy Rivers” paintings Tarshito with Anand Kumar Shyam, Premi Baj,Lilesh Kumar Urwetl, Vekant Kumar Singh Shyam,Kala Baj Shyam,Gariba Singh Tekam, Kaushel Prasad and Saroj Venkat Shyam. (for info Article “The Color of water: Tarshito”)
Tarshito will also lead the workshop “Sundar Van – Madhya Pradesh” with the artists of the Gond art, which will complete a painting of 10 meters, already painted a half Italy.
Friday 29 March 2019, Tarshito will give a conference in Casablanca at the ” teatro italia” of Consulate general of Italy (Morocco).
Monday 1 April 2019 at the IIC of Rabat (Morocco), there will be the exhibition « Tarshito meets moroc – artworks of Tarshito with Sadhik Haddari”
In the second half of May 2019, Tarshito will give a conference to Symbolum 2019 “TERRA, MATER, MATERIA” in Stettino (Poland).
Friday 31 May, 1 and 2 June 2019, Tarshito will lead a workshop in Borgagne (Lecce -Italia).
In June 2019 Tarshito will participate to an exhibition in Matera (Italy) organized by the Sassi Foundation.

In August 2019, Tarshito will participate to the collective “PAINTED ALMANAC: FRAMING TIME; PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE “at the Delhi Threshold Gallery (India).
In September 2019, in the Seoul City Hall (Korea) there will be the exhibition of “Tarshito falls in love with korea”, artoworks by tarshito with Son Oe Ja.
In October 2019, at the Lima IIC (Perù) there will be the exhibition of “Tarshito se enamora de perù”, artowrks by tarshito with Lastenia Canayo and Royer Garcia, Julio Maldonado, Codelia Sanchez Garcia, David Ramirez Nunta”.
Korea – November 2018
The project of the path of the wayfarer in love proceeds and Tarshito continues its work in the company of the painter Son Oe Ja. In the following photos the artwork in its completion phase at the Bomunsa temple in Seoul. Tarshito and Son Oe Ja at work at the Bomunsa temple of Seoul.

Some photos of the Bhopal Literature & Art festival (12/14 January 2019)
Tarshito leads a workshop with Anand Kumar Shyam, Lilesh Kumar Urvetl, Veknt Kumar Singh Shyam,Kala Baj Shyam,Kaushel Prasad and Saroj Venkat Shyam